In a heartwarming demonstration of corporate social responsibility, MTN Uganda has gifted a brand-new pickup truck to Night Ampurire, a single mother of five and dedicated entrepreneur from Entebbe. This generous act underscores MTN's commitment to supporting local businesses and uplifting community members striving for economic independence.


Background: A Story of Resilience

Night Ampurire has been the sole provider for her family, transporting and selling fresh produce such as watermelons and pineapples since 2015. She initially purchased a second-hand Nissan pickup truck for UGX 3.5 million, paying in installments. Over time, the vehicle deteriorated, posing safety risks and hindering her business operations. Despite these challenges, Ampurire's unwavering determination kept her business afloat.


MTN Uganda's Intervention

Ampurire's inspiring story gained national attention through a widely shared news clip, capturing the admiration of many, including the team at MTN Uganda. Recognizing her resilience and the importance of supporting small enterprises, MTN Uganda decided to provide her with a new Nissan pickup truck. This initiative aligns with MTN's mantra, "Together we are unstoppable," reflecting their dedication to empowering local entrepreneurs.

The Handover Ceremony

The handover event took place at Kitoro Market in Entebbe, where MTN Uganda's Chief Executive Officer, Sylvia Mulinge, presented the vehicle to Ampurire. Mulinge expressed admiration for Ampurire's perseverance and highlighted MTN's commitment to supporting small businesses that form the backbone of the local economy.

Impact on Ampurire's Business

The new pickup truck is expected to significantly enhance Ampurire's business operations. With a reliable vehicle, she can transport larger quantities of produce more efficiently, potentially increasing her income and improving her family's quality of life. This support not only benefits Ampurire but also contributes to the local economy by ensuring a steady supply of fresh produce to the community.

MTN Uganda's Commitment to Community Empowerment

This gesture is part of MTN Uganda's broader efforts to empower communities and support local businesses. By investing in individuals like Ampurire, MTN aims to foster economic growth and demonstrate the positive impact of corporate social responsibility initiatives.


MTN Uganda's support for Night Ampurire exemplifies the company's dedication to uplifting hardworking individuals and strengthening community ties. This act of generosity not only transforms Ampurire's life but also serves as an inspiring example of how corporate entities can make a meaningful difference in the lives of local entrepreneurs.