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Uganda Exempts Electric Vehicle Makers from Stamp Duty

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Reasons Why Africar Group - Uganda Is Considered As Best Auto Trader

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Smart Approaches For Buying A Car

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Uber and Taxify are entering the motorbike taxis market in Uganda

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La mise en œuvre du projet de construction automobile Ougandais

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Make millions from a carwash business

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Nokian Tyres set to Operate in Nigeria

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Uganda set to host Coca-Cola’s global World Cup Trophy Tour this March

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The most popular cars in Kampala, Uganda

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Uganda: Police Name City Crime Hotspots

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Will Electric-powered Cars run out of Battery in Uganda’s Mabira Forest?

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Federation of Uganda Football Association

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Toyota Progres faces problems.

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Regulations on used-car importation : the Ugandan government changes the rules

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Kampala and other cities depicts the insufficiency of uber and other transport sharing

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Asian car companies are coming to Africa

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Would the government encourage the purchase of old cars in Uganda?

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No reduction in import taxes on used vehicles in Uganda

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The world's most expensive car

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How to buy a used car in Uganda?

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The #1 mobile APP to Buy&Sell your Cars in Uganda